Sunday, September 19, 2010

Buyer's Remorse & Tossing Guilt

Just in the last two weeks I've changed jobs, decided to go on a diet, get a tattoo, and contemplated what my hair would look like with that Michelle William's Pixi bob (don't worry I'm not going for the bob - but I did get the tattoo). Needless to say that during this mini existential crisis, I have neglected to film, tweet, and write as much as I normally would.

Therefore without further adieu...

Sunday's installment of MakeUp_Chic-Chat... Buyer's Remorse and Tossing Guilt! 

I'm an absolute sucker for pretty packaging, magical cures/fixes, and fancy brands at a discount. is absolutely horrible for me! All these designer brands of cosmetics at a 70% discount and I wind up buying purple lipstick just because it's YSL. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. (But oh, sooo fabulous at the same time!).

My name is Ariel and I'm addicted to the high of the buy. Amen.

I whipped through a Harmon's Beauty Cosmetic's Depot in 10 minutes last week, right before closing, to stock up on NYX. Because, besides online and in Ulta (a not very NY friendly store) I can only find NYX at Harmon. I managed to throw down almost $100 bucks for some NYX must-have's and a few OPI nail polishes. 

I'm also the same way with my hair. My hair is long, straight, and boring. I know some girls try to achieve my exact hair type every morning at 6am before work or school and that I'm taking it for granted. I know. I know. But I want some body, some lift, some life, some curls! Therefore, I'm always interested in hair products that do just that.

So what am I left with? Half used bottles of shampoo, barely touched makeup, and more Victoria's Secret lip glosses than one girl should have. I know I should throw them away, but I feel bad. Not really about the money,  half the time it's some bottle of I-NEED-TO-HAVE-THIS-RIGHT-NOW shampoo that fell off the shelf at CVS for $2.99. No, it's not really about the money as it is about the waste of the product.

I know you can use the shampoo to sink wash your favorite top - but why not just use detergent? Or wash the dog - but what if you don't find out that your dog's skin is allergic to the product until you're sitting in the emergency vet's office at 2am?

I began researching where I can donate this stuff, but let's be honest, why would someone want my half used bottle of  Fruitopia Total Volume Shampoo? I think that would kind of be a little insulting and rude - "Hey, use this half full bottle of awful shampoo that will leave your hair feeling like an oil slick!" I'd rather donate a full NEW bottle of It's a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product. I also began googling what other uses my old products might be good for. I found this little note particularly amusing while searching the web:

If a container it has a ball on top, your pet can play with the ball.
Or, thread several of such balls like unusual beads, turn into earrings.
You can decorate those balls, or use them to start wrapping yarn around them.
Throw several of those balls into washing machine to improve the outcome of laundering.
Play ping pong with them!
Cut them in half and attach to your head to simulate bumps (for Halloween).
Cut out some space for the nose, paint red and be a clown.
Cut the top of the ball off and plant a seed.
Turn into Christmas ornament.
Use to mend small socks.
Roll on your body for a good massage.
Use to make round imprints in a wet concrete.

Oh yeah, lady? I'm gonna get right on that.

Or possibly this use:

When I’ve moved, I’ve put bath products in a basket and left them on the counter at my gym with “free” written on a tag. They go like hotcakes.

Thanks Marie, from Chicago, that doesn't sound at all creepy.

And for the most part, shelters/organizations/charities won't take used products for health reasons and rightfully so. However, I'd be less worried about donating something with my "gross germs" and more about donating something that I know someone is going to walk away with shit looking hair and purple lipstick on.

I've seen some girls on YouTube sell off their old makeup (only used once or twice) on their blogs, but still that's a little gross. Why would I want to buy something that you used ....and you hated? Especially since some of these gals aren't giving you a deal at 5% off.

So all in all I'm most likely going to have to pawn some of this stuff off to friends and family. Or keep this junk around a few months longer and wrap the barely used eyeshadow palettes that are f'ugly and give them to a girl or two in my office I don't like for the holidays -- ha, just kidding (maybe)!

Anyway, that was my little diatribe on buyer's remorse and tossing guilt.

Anyone feel similar? Anyone?

Remember that TODAY is the last day to enter My Pixi Contest to *WIN* a Natural Mineral Kit:

Want to watch me chat? Check out:


1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel!! I have a few lonely products that I didn't care for living in my linen closet that *occasionally* get a second chance at life. Three things I do...
    1. Try to return the product (thank goodness for Sephora and their great policy!)
    2. Use it again after a few months (mostly goes for seasonal themed things like body wash that I get sick of and then later come back to)
    3. Toss it and try my best not to feel remorse.

    I've gotten a lot better over the years with my purchases. Usually I like most of what I buy now because I research the heck out of everything in advance. ;)

    xoxo Emma
